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2023 Holiday Gift Guide!
Whew! I did it! Another Holiday Gift Guide episode is in the books! In the beginning of the episode I went over some super cool brands...

Must Have Non-Toxic Lotions for Moms, Dads and Little Ones
I've mentioned one of the first things I ditched was Bath and Body lotions and soaps. When I started, I tried making my own, minimal...

Non-Toxic Cleaning Products & Gifts
Without doing too much research I can take a guess that the typical place most people begin to eliminate toxins in their home is in their...

Cleaner Bath and Bodies - Must Have Items for Non-Toxic Bathing
One of the first things I started swapping out for myself and my family was soaps and lotions. This list is comprised of must-have items...

Non-Toxic Car Seats, Clothing and Gear to Jump Start Your Crunch Journey!
I may have mentioned that when I started out trying to make healther choices for my family I was in awe at all things that came in,...
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